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    Friday, August 14, 2020

    Half-Life When you push that cart into the spectrometer

    Half-Life When you push that cart into the spectrometer

    When you push that cart into the spectrometer

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 10:46 AM PDT

    I drew Combine Soldier

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 06:58 PM PDT

    Unsettling G-Man discovery

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 02:28 PM PDT

    (Repost) Dr. Freeman please

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 07:41 PM PDT

    Made a clip of what i imagine Gman does in his off time.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 01:13 PM PDT

    The Mesa when it’s black idk never played

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    It's real and always has been

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 10:14 PM PDT

    Screencap of surveillance footage that is supposedly in the warehouse sector of the Black Mesa Research Facility.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    Really wanted to recreate one of my favorite scenes in Half Life 2

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 08:28 PM PDT

    Close call

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    Finished My Headcrab Killer! The ends didn't quite come out the way I wanted. Too much spray paint I think.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 04:06 PM PDT

    HL Alyx reaction

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 08:53 AM PDT

    I bought a Rift S and it arrived yesterday. Spent some time fooling around in the hub apps and playing with Hot dogs/hand grenades, then jumped right into HLA.

    All i can say is, valve is BACK baby. This game is one of the most magical things i've experienced, ever. I'm about to slip on the brain microwave and spend my entire day playing it. It's that good.

    VR is ready. i don't care what anyone says. it requires the user to work with it a bit when it comes to interactions with physical objects in games, but i can say with confidence that the platform feels complete.

    edit: i hope it's not against the rules for me to hop on here and just gush but i had to share my thoughts.

    submitted by /u/MERCILESS_PREJUDICE
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    Routine Stop

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 07:31 PM PDT

    My friend made this pretty cool half life 2 stop motion.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 05:50 PM PDT

    Fix atrocious load times in HL2?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 07:43 PM PDT

    Hey, everyone. Hoping I can get a quick tuneup advice.

    We are doing a half life race where my buddy and I are playing HL2 competitively. We're not speed runners or anything, just casual competition of who can finish faster.

    We tried to do this once and my load times were atrocious. I have an i5 4590 with a GTX 950 and my buddy's game loaded up way faster than mine did when we did our first race.

    Take a look here, this was our first take on trying the race out:


    at 5:20 you can see the first load times after Barney's Introduction.

    The second time we raced, same timing but the video for that is not up yet. It's pretty abysmal. He's got an advantage of a good 20 - 30 seconds on me every time that game loads up.

    Anything I can do in terms of load times to even out the playing field?

    submitted by /u/TheConceptBoy
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    Hlvrai mii

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 06:51 PM PDT

    Hey, this user (I think Russian, I don't really know) does things related to Half-Life but in real life.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 02:03 PM PDT

    I found this YouTube user by chance, looking at Reddit and seeing a photo that was taken on Facebook but it belonged to him (or perhaps her?) Where he painted a typical graffiti of the Half-Life 2 game of the Resistance where there is a Human Combine Policeman sitting hugging a child with the word changed to "Covid"... and I looked for him out of curiosity because someone asked where he was from and I found his channel... here I found another super interesting video of him or her from ago 4 years making those pesky drones from Half-Life 2 that take photos (City Scanner) but in real life. Please follow him / her on her channel. https://youtu.be/JtnHPNlzCz8

    submitted by /u/Asterlofts
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    Looking For Russian Speaking Voice Actors For A Redub Of Half-Life: Alyx!

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 05:36 PM PDT

    Hello! As you may know Half-Life: Alyx never recieved russian dub, altough it recieved Russian Subtitles! We are looking for Voice Actors to make the Russian Dub ourselfs, if you think you would fit any roles, please contact me on Discord - Dr.Lee Everett#3491 We take care of Sound Engineering! You take care of Voicing !

    submitted by /u/Overwatch02
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    I can NOT enjoy black mesa

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    All this is my opinion so don't get too angry with me if you disagree.

    The houndeyes charge too fast, their animations feel muted compared to hl1 as in instead of shaking uncontrollably like they used to they now act as if they are dancing to smooth jazz for exactly one second.

    Even though I turned on always run immediately after I noticed its existence in the settings the movement still feels off.

    The HECU charge at you super fast repeating the same annoying "I think I hit him" line, also they A D A D A D so much their AI sometimes actually glitches out making them look like they are stuck/having a seizure. All while still shooting at me with amazing accuracy compared to mine. I am not some epic god gamer with perfect aim, so trying to shoot enemies that are almost always constantly moving is a challenge. Despite my weakness in the aiming department I have not had this much trouble with any FPS game, ever- and I play games in normal/sometimes hard difficulty. Not to mention some HECU soldier behavior in hl1 is missing. They move seemingly at random and from what I've noticed they do not crouch or kick. I realize they copied the combine ai but I swear I much prefer hl2 ai to this. And although this is a minor grievance their animations also get glitched, and I think I have had an instance of one managing to shoot me while not even looking at me.

    Gunplay feels ok with certain guns but the mp5 is just horrible. The map is stretched out on all sides and sometimes the enemies shoot you from far away. How am I supposed to take out this one guy shooting at me from a huge distance when I can barely see them and I have to manage the recoil of the mp5 as if I'm playing counter strike? Half life didn't have this particular problem because the maps were small and there was little recoil in the guns- so it appears to me that while they expanded the size of the maps, added recoil to the guns they did nothing to mitigate the problem introduced by those changes. If I go closer to aim, so do they- making me tank a needless amount of damage.

    The shotgun's m2 animation is also bad. I feel anyone who remembers hl1s shotgun m2 animation will agree with me here but I may be wrong

    The grenade throwing "mechanics" just felt bad, gordon does an overhead throw on the grenades as if he is playing for NBA- the grenade lands a solid meter above where I am aiming with the crosshair. Mind you I have not had a problem with the "grenade throwing mechanics" of any game I have ever played.

    The audio mixing is (I presume) another problem, I have the master volume at 60%, music volume at 40% and windows system volume at 36%- gunfire, human/enemy speech etc. sound perfectly normal, level and comfortably loud yet sometimes the music gets so bloody loud I have to pause the game. After I had the loudest bloody music in the final ambush/fight in the lobby in questionable ethics, I had about enough and out of frustration turned the music off completely.

    I have barely reached surface tension in three days and multiple sittings. I boot up the game, play for a bit, get pissed off by some aspect of the game and alt f4 in frustration- rinse and repeat. I have honestly kind of started hating it since the environments started opening up and HECU soldiers started being involved. Is there anything I can do to fix any of these gameplay grievances for myself?

    submitted by /u/properlythird
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    Imagine if in some Black Mesa update they updated all the chargers to be fully animated like this

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 03:42 AM PDT

    And if you weren't enough with the real City Scanner: Now I bring you the real Manhack :D (made by a different person, not the one who created the City Scanner)

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 03:24 PM PDT

    I really like this realistic and minimalist works... they are so good, too bad they are not so well known... https://youtu.be/jRHA64ssTvk

    submitted by /u/Asterlofts
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