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    Saturday, October 24, 2020

    Half-Life If HEV suit can be compatible with Argent Energy, can Gordon Freemans survive Doomverse 2016/Eternal?

    Half-Life If HEV suit can be compatible with Argent Energy, can Gordon Freemans survive Doomverse 2016/Eternal?

    If HEV suit can be compatible with Argent Energy, can Gordon Freemans survive Doomverse 2016/Eternal?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 08:48 AM PDT

    Citadel in the evening

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 09:24 AM PDT


    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 09:06 PM PDT

    Navy Seal copypasta but it's a metrocop

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 07:07 PM PDT

    I drew this sketch of how I imagine Gordon Freeman and Half Life 3 came out. I wish Gave could count to 3

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 12:34 PM PDT

    Hald Life Alyx Lightning Dog! finished my new model

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 06:55 AM PDT

    [HL:A Spoilers] My theories on who or what the main threats will be in future Half-Life games.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 10:26 PM PDT

    With how things went in Episode 2, it is very clear that the saga of the combine (on Earth) will soon come to a close as their earthly empire is soon going to face total collapse at the hands of the resistance. The argument can be made that the heart of the combine empire will face assaults at the hands of the resistance and their interdimensional empire will collapse, but I don't think this is where the story will go.

    Judging by the ending of Half-Life: Alyx, Eli and Gordon will seek to take on G-Man himself. In the words of the G-Man himself, he is not one to squander his investments, so I feel that he will be unwilling to kill either of them himself, rather opting for indirect methods like the advisor attack on Eli in EP2.

    It may be wishful thinking, but I strongly believe that Adrian Shephard will come back as a villain in the next Half-Life game. Adrian's original mission was to kill Gordon Freeman, and I believe G-Man will release him from stasis on the terms that he does, or attempts to complete his original assignment. Whether Shephard gets killed or joins the side of the resistance, there is no doubt in my mind that G-Man will be the next "villain" after whoever we get next, be it Adrian or otherwise.

    I put villain in quotation marks there because G-Man is not outright evil, rather just in opposition to the goals of the resistance. I think he is one of many, working for some sort of interdimensional mercenary service, taking jobs for whatever omniversal demigods like to use as currency. I think this is the case due to G-Man getting the combine to Earth in the first place through the resonance cascade, and then employing Gordon to take down a citadel immediately after (from Gordon's perspective).

    Vortigaunts clearly have abilities close to or on the same level as G-Man when in groups and making use of the larval extract. It's not unlikely that these powers can be shared with Gordon to allow him to stand any chance against G-Man, and beyond him, his "employers."

    Basically, I think we're going to go Alien Invasion ---> Combine ---> Combine part 2, electric boogaloo ---> Adrian Shephard ---> G-Man ---> The Employers

    I'd love to hear everyone else's thoughts and theories, I'm positive there's a lot I'm not considering here.

    submitted by /u/invinciblespeed
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    Doodling, the only thing that gets me through work

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 03:15 PM PDT

    Stupid metrocop doodle

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 11:10 AM PDT

    How would a human group dedicated to rallying the Combine work in the Half-Life Universe?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 01:27 PM PDT

    I just thought about this today and I figured I'd ask the kind folks at this sub for answers. As we all know (Or some of us know), there's a human group called the resistance and they're against the Combine and everything they stand for. But what about a human group dedicated towards those that favor the ideals and rulings that the Combine have and support the Combine in some way?

    Is it possible for such a concept to play out or will it just not work at all?

    submitted by /u/8t0M1kW8v3
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    Why do you think the Combine waited 15 years to built the Citadel ?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 02:50 PM PDT

    It was confirmed in Half-Life Alyx that the 7 Hours War take place a few days after Half-Life 1. That's mean that the Combine waited 15 to built their headquarter. So my question is why ?

    submitted by /u/stagedial
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    Can The Local Combine Forces Truly Be Completely Defeated?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 01:45 PM PDT

    So I understand that thanks to our efforts at the end of half life 2 episode 2>! the Combine can no longer receive backup from reinforcements arriving from their overworld, which clearly would've outright decimated all resistance forces on earth with ease!<. However, even with this small victory gained, can the resistance truly wipe out the Combine on Earth for good?

    The Combine still left a pretty large local force on earth. Meaning that there are still thousands of Overwatch troops backed up by other Combine assets like striders, gunships, hunters, crab synths, etc. Not to mention the many other synths that we have yet to discover that would be plenty powerful enough to back up Overwatch troops. After all, there are loads of other citadels and most likely other large Combine bases littered across the planet. The main reason why the City 17 resistance were able to come out victorious is because the citadel itself blew up, leading to a drastic loss in local military assets before most of them could be deployed. That doesn't mean that other citadels can't fully deploy all of their assets to take out the resistance once and for all.

    So while it may be true that>! the resistance may have prevented the Combine from bringing in reinforcements from the overworld!<, it doesn't mean that they can completely beat the remaining Combine forces on Earth with 100% certainty. Therefore, it seems like half life 3 won't completely end the half life saga even if Gordon Freeman is able to either secure/destroy the Borealis because there is still much more to be explored with the continuing war against the Combine on Earth, and I for one am excited to see where future half life games take us. There is still so much potential for us to discover new Combine synths and units in future half life games that just weren't stationed at City 17.

    Anyway, what do you guys think? Is it really possible for the resistance to fully defeat the local Combine forces on Earth even if they completely cut them off from the rest of the Combine Empire?

    submitted by /u/ShigaHockey
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    Screw it. John Freeman fancam

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 12:11 AM PDT

    It is not me you want, but the light that shines through me!

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 11:09 PM PDT

    Hazardous Environments [Kelly Bailey/Valve Theme] - ThomasKG Remix

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 04:52 PM PDT

    Half-Life 2: Beta Story EP1 (Machinima)

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 02:44 PM PDT

    I made a Black Mesa themed desktop using Rainmeter. What do you guys think?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    When did Valve add VR to half-life 2?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 09:58 PM PDT

    I downloaded a fresh install of HL2 and noticed a VR mode in the menu. Did I somehow miss the news on this feature?

    submitted by /u/bluegoointheshoe
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    Xash3D keeps crashing on explosions

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 04:57 PM PDT

    So, i've been playing Brutal Half-Life for a while now, and sometimes, when something explodes (like a barrel or a submachine gun grenade) the game simply crashes. I would like to know if anyone else has this crash, and if there is a solution.

    submitted by /u/lorenxoalmeida
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    Headcrabs are stopping me from playing this game, and I hate it.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    For the life of me, I just can't deal with this game.

    I recently purchased an entire Valve Index kit, and with it came Alyx. I was very hyped to play it, as I'd heard it was supposed to be a seriously good VR game. I got in, ran around a bit, did some fun stuff, and I loved it, until I was faced with headcrabs. These little shits are stopping me from progressing past Chapter 3.

    A bit of background; I visited Australia as a kid once. At one point in our trip we had been swimming, and when I got in the car I was met with the horrifying sight of a huntsman at my bare feet. It's been a haunting memory to say the least, and I'm even getting shivers right now just thinking about it. Anyways, those fucking headcrabs remind me way too much of that moment, and the fact that they stick to your HMD the way they do makes it ten times worse.

    You may think "Just shoot them?" and I would, absolutely, but the problem is I keep running out of ammo. I literally have no rounds in my pistol nor my shotgun to shoot them with, so I don't know what to do. I've tried an exposure therapy kinda thing to deal with it, and it hasn't helped at all.

    Anyways, I thought I'd share this with you guys. I was really hoping to progress through this game, but it really looks like I won't be finishing Alyx anytime soon.

    submitted by /u/trullss
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    I’m gonna play hl2 on the 360 soon, got afew questions.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 12:09 PM PDT

    So like is it gonna look low res? Because it would be kind of weird if it did, I know hl2 had really impressive graphics for its time and there still decent to this day, it would just be a little weird to play it with low res.

    Audio quality gonna go down at all?

    submitted by /u/itscaptainjack
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    Half-life. The 7 hour war

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 12:03 AM PDT

    The Half Life Universe desperately needs some worldbuilding

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    Its such an interesting universe, post apocalyptic Earth dominated by a multi universal alien Empire with no regards for human life? Sign me the fuck up! It has so much potential for storytelling...

    Good shit, but we've barely seen any of it.

    So far we have only seen Eastern Europe and some florests, i wanna see different stories that happened during these 20 years, i wanna see different resistance cells, i wanna see people in other continents, different synths, different weapons...

    If Half-Life got the "universe" treatment that would be metal as fuck... We need some stories parallel to the games, even if HL3 comes out there's only so much world building you can do in an action packed game.

    submitted by /u/DXGabriel
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    How to adapt a Half-Life movie

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 03:24 PM PDT

    This is my idea for adapting Half-Life into a movie. I always daydreamed about writing/making a Half-Life movie ever since I played the very first game. I was about 10-11 years old.

    1. It should be a trilogy, based on Half-Life, Opposing Force, and Blue Shift, meaning it should cover the events of the Resonance Cascade and later the destruction of Black Mesa. The runtime of each movie (part) should be about 2.5 hours.
    2. All three movies should each have a different theme. They're all essentially techno-thrillers with survival elements, set in both claustrophobic and open environments. Half-Life is like a mix of Predator and Die Hard. Opposing Force should be a war movie, mixed with sci-fi horror, where Adrian Shephard tries to save Black Mesa from a thermonuclear blast set up by the Black Ops. Blue Shift is about Barney's rescue of a group of Vortiguants and how he earns their trust in the end. Some creative liberties needs to be applied for the all of the films, especially the latter two which are known to be rather short games. It is however important to expand on the games themselves as faithfully as possible. Like the remake game Black Mesa did.
    3. Have characters (not only the main protagonists) co-incide in other parts of the trilogy. For example, a minor villainous character may die in Half-Life and then later appear in Opposing Force, maybe even as a "good" guy. The movies are linear, but may take place at different hours.
    4. Make the films R-rated and very violent. Heads should explode and limbs should be severed. It should not be overly gory that it becomes merely a torture film, but they should be realistically graphic as an homage to the original games. Mr. Friendly, the deleted alien enemy, should appear in of the films, and its appearance should shock the audience.
    5. The Xen alien effects and the visual effects in general should be as realistic as possible. The sound designs should also be top notch.
    6. Gordon should not be mute, but speak just a few words. Like Tom Hardy in Mad Max: Fury Road. He should not be portrayed as a clichéd action hero, but as a vulnerable protagonist who just happens to be "the right man in the wrong place". The amount of deaths he causes of US marines may stir up a controversy, but this is a realistic portrayal of survival. Gordon is forced to kill whoever he needs to kill in order to survive, especially the ones who wants him dead. Some HECUs may even ignore Gordon in order for them all to fight common enemies. Besides the aliens, the Black Ops are the biggest a-holes in the trilogy.
    7. This one is weird but bear with me: Have it set in an alternate year 2008. It's like the trilogy was made in reference to it's original release year of 1998. It should not be overly futuristic nor too old. It should be a near-future but as they imagined it back in 1998. Same weapons, same vehicles/aircrafts, same blocky architectural style. Have the game engine itself (the GoldSrc) be the "blueprint" of the movies' atmosphere and mood. Of course, it should still look realistic and not like a parody.
    8. Make the movies serious. They should not just be fun "blockbuster rides" but serious efforts in potentially creating perhaps the best video game adaptation, and hopefully one of the best action trilogies of all time. They should, as stated in point 2, be thematically different, but still be consistent in terms of production, style and cinematography.
    9. The Race X aliens could be introduced in a small cameo, but not be shown as much as in the Opposing Force game.
    10. No mentioning of the Seven Hour War, City 17 nor the Combine. While I like the 2004 sequel, I personally love the settings of Black Mesa more so than the fake Eastern European setting of City 17. This may confuse fans who are more familiar with Half-Life 2 than the original game, but this is the story only about the Black Mesa incident and nothing should remind you of the look of Half-Life 2. I feel like the first games had more of a realistic, cinematic feel.
    11. Make Half-Life: Decay into a 6-minute viral prologue for the first or second film. Like those Alien: Covenant prologue videos we saw on YouTube before that film's release. Decay should be a short drama about Dr. Green and Dr. Cross transporting the Xen crystal (known as "Specimen GG-3883") to the test chamber, and how their journey ends tragically in Xen. Hence why we see dead scientists on Xen in the game.
    12. Have Portal and even Counter-Strike be set in the same universe as the films. There should be a few mentionings of Aperture Science. Half-Life memes should be referenced when possible, but in clever ways.
    submitted by /u/HermanHermansson
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