• Breaking News

    Saturday, November 28, 2020

    Half-Life Thought this one turned out pretty nicely. What do you think? (Gmod+PS)

    Half-Life Thought this one turned out pretty nicely. What do you think? (Gmod+PS)

    Thought this one turned out pretty nicely. What do you think? (Gmod+PS)

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 10:50 AM PST

    My Combine sentry gun redesign

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 02:47 AM PST

    Finally I made G-Man... check out my other Half Life models on insta.. link in the comments

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 10:23 AM PST

    Today is Harry S. Robin's 70th Birthday. Hal provided the voices of Dr Isaac Kleiner and all Half-Life 1 scientists.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 07:19 PM PST


    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 12:46 PM PST


    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 08:06 PM PST

    What is he saying?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 02:46 AM PST

    (I’m not associated with of RTBR, just feeling the need to give this mod more attention) Some stuff from the Half-Life 2 Beta Recreation mod known as Raising the Bar: Redux (New Cremator Models + New Metrocop Models + Propaganda Posters)

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 04:16 PM PST

    Medics in HL2 be like

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 08:20 PM PST

    I tried to draw Gordon Freeman from Doomguy

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 12:53 PM PST

    I was 100% sure this was that notorious last slice of pizza scenario so I tried to make the best of it by stealing a headcrab from another vort's house for them.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 04:56 AM PST

    Gordon Freeman: The Only FPS Character TRULY Worthy of The Title "Badass"

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 12:39 PM PST

    Master Chief:

    -trained to fight since childhood

    -biologically enhanced

    -physically enhanced by a strong high-tech suit

    -has courage because he is aided by high-tech United Nations marines

    -still needs the Arbiter's help in the end

    Doomguy/Doom Slayer:

    -was a highly trained space marine

    -has a high-tech space marine armor

    -died anyway on Phobos but resurrected still on Phobos but now in Hell

    -enhanced by the Divinity Machine

    -has courage because he's already dead, so why be scared?

    -given a new high-tech and "indestructible" armor, enhancing him even further and making him invincible which destroys any reason for Doomguy to be afraid of ANYTHING anymore


    -highly trained space marine

    -a strong high-tech armor

    -struggled to fight Lovecraftian monsters

    -couldn't even directly kill "Quake" a.k.a Shub-Niggurath, had to Telefrag her instead


    -regular scientist with minimal to no training in weapons handling, probably a bit thin too

    -an enhanced science suit that isn't as strong or high-tech as the armors of any character mentioned above, pretty much just a glorified "hazmat"

    -other scientists also wore his suit yet they still died, giving him more reason to be AFRAID but he still ISN'T

    -faced U.S. Marines with strong high-tech armors (and equipment in general) and won, fearlessly

    -faced horrifying creatures from other worlds without expecting it (Gordon was a theoretical physicist, theoretical physicists write stuff rather than conducting experiments)

    -killed a tank-sized Headcrab (Gonarch) and all her babies alone

    -went up one-on-one with multiple U.S. military tanks and APCs, WINS and OBLITERATES everyone of them

    -kicked so much marine ass, they made him target priority #1 during the Black Mesa Incident

    -kicked so much alien ass, they start worshipping him

    -kicked so much ass in general that a Vortigaunt (in HL2) said (upon meeting Freeman in a boxcar), "This is the Freeman, the Combine's reckoning has come"

    -went up one-on-one against a magic (or Vortessence)-wielding alien elder god

    -wins and kills it

    -comes back 20 years later to find Earth enslaved by an multiversal empire with it's "garrison" governing the planet

    -fights the garrison directly, earning the title "Anticitizen One"

    -raids an entire Combine facility (Nova Prospekt) leading his own army of Antlions, succeeds chaotically

    -brings chaos to entire city and destroys a massive skyscraper (Citadel)

    -the Citadel blows up consuming the entire city itself, so technically, Gordon killed an entire city on his own

    -fought through endless amounts of Xen wildlife outside of City 17 and rebel bases without any help, survives and kicks all ass

    -destroys multiple Combine synths on his own (Striders and Gunships, Hunters, etc.) while other humans struggle (like Alyx who had to use a special weapon to take down just ONE strider in HL:A)

    -fought off an attempted invasion by Combine soldiers in White Forest, takes them all out

    -fought a WHOLE PLATOON of Striders trying to breach White Forest, obliterates them all without any help from Rebels in the distance

    -had an entire high-tech Combine-made POLICE FORCE (i.e. Civil Protection) chase him with all their men (and women), he kicks their collective ass anyway in the Canals

    -rode a barely functioning broken car (buggy) through an entire coast infested by Antlions, survives and kicks Antlion ass

    -shrugs off bullet wounds

    -shrugs off been sliced

    -takes a rocket to the face

    -shrugs it off

    -injects unhealthy amounts of morphine, lives anyway

    -didn't even need to speak or show his personality to get a girl to like him

    -eats Antlion grubs' remains to get health RAW, no hesitation

    -went through a scary town full of zombies

    -he was the scary one, not the zombies

    -why? because he massacred his way through fearlessly

    -killed so much marines, scared them shitless indirectly causing them to abandon their mission of hunting him down

    -was so much dangerous the Overwatch put walls and entire troops of Combine soldiers to stop his advances towards the Citadel

    -was so badass he made an alien bureaucrat (i.e. G-man) impressed to the point of hiring him

    -almost eaten alive by an Advisor, is unfazed

    -gets irradiated, shrugs it off

    -swims in irradiated water like nothing

    -gets bitten a few dozen times by probably hundreds of alien leeches all at once, just shrugs it off

    -takes him more than few seconds to die or lose consciousness from drowning (despite the fact that everyone who drowns, immediately just... dies)

    -gets stepped on by Strider, lives and isn't damaged

    -walks and runs through fire, unfazed despite taking a bit of damage

    -gets slapped by a Combine APC when a Strider leg pushed an APC flying towards him, gets minimal damage and shrugs it off

    -Gunship gibs which are metallic and probably weighs a few tonnes fall on him, takes no damage and is unfazed

    -gets shot in the head, lives and shrugs it off

    The fact of the matter here is that: FREEMAN SHOULD NOT BE THIS GOOD IN HIS JOURNEY.


    a: he doesn't have the proper equipment

    b: he doesn't have the proper physique

    c: he isn't immortal

    But he does it anyway! And that's why I think he TRULY does deserve the title of "badass". Sure, he may not be as strong as MC or Doomguy, highly trained like Ranger or possess extremely high-tech armor like the Doom Slayer. But he still manages to kick ass anyway!

    (Thank you for coming to my TEDx Talk)

    submitted by /u/A_Random_Jedi
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    I know its a remake but still

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 08:59 PM PST

    When we open flaslight infront of NPC's they react it. This makes Half-Life even more realistic then modern games like pUbBg mObiLe

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 08:18 AM PST


    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 02:24 PM PST

    Everybody dance now !

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 12:31 PM PST

    Half-Life: Wastelands [Chapter 1 - In Transit]

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 09:53 PM PST


    It is now the nineteenth year of the Combine's occupation on Earth.

    The planet's resources have been sucked dry by the Combine, and many species have come to extinction as a result of the Black Mesa Disaster & Combine Threat.

    Many areas of the world have been cut off from one another. Most notably: What used to be the United States of America.

    No one has lived in the States since shortly after the Combine invasion, when all Citizens were moved out due to an overabundance of Xen Wildlife, on top of the area becoming mostly uninhabitable by humans due to the effects of the Seven Hour War.

    However... One Resistance Faction has been tracking an unusual series of Combine Shipments... And it has lead them straight to the U.S. Wastelands.

    Chapter 1 - In Transit

    Light peers through the windows of a worn-down Library. Bookcases have been toppled over, and the remains of piles of books have been strewn across the floor. A group of six stands around a table, with a map laid out on top of it. "We've tracked all of the Combine's shipments in a fifteen-mile radius for the last month.", Agnes begins. "All shipment schedules & routes add up... except for one." Daniel scoffs. "So? Maybe they screwed up a shipment. Maybe we screwed up a shipment." Agnes shakes her head. "Nope... We didn't hit this one. And if we had, I wouldn't be bringing it up now."

    Agnes picks up a red marker and draws circles around specific areas. "This is where the Combine Shipments coming in from outside of City 11 usually show up. Then, they're unloaded and moved to these warehouses. For those that travel outwards, the shipments are taken from... these points... and packed onto the Razor Trains, which travel along the regular rail systems. But here's the interesting part." She draws a line from a station to a rail system. "A couple of days ago, a Razor Train branched off from the regular routes... To a rail system that I've never seen used before." "Maybe ye just missed it.", Daniel says. "Maybe you just missed my point. That rail system... I cross-referenced with older maps & Combine Terminals... and despite the Combine's modification of the rail systems in the past... I can confirm that shipment was headed into the US."

    Evan tilts his head. "America? But... it's been cut off for almost decades now, are you sure?" Agnes nods. "Positive. I also noticed the Combine's regular shipment schedules falling out of sync after the first train took off. They must be moving supplies. But why?" Amelia steps forward. "Are they reopening the states? I mean, that was a pretty big area." Evan shakes his head. "That wouldn't make sense. They have more than enough space for all the remaining humans in the current Cities. 'Sides, it's not like they'd care. The fewer people around, the more they can get away with." Daniel nods in agreement. "Aye, that's true... plus, I'm sure the Breencasts would've been spoutin' some bullshit about "Our benefactors resurrecting this once great nation!" Daniel makes a mocking salute.

    "They seem to be scattered", Agnes began. "We may be able to use that to our advantage. Maybe figure out what they're planning, and get word back to Black Mesa East once we're back." "Hold on, hold on, hold on", Daniel replies. "What do ye mean "once we're back"?" Agnes steps back from the table. "You all ready for a road trip?" Daniel does a double-take. "...We're going now?", he asks her. Agnes nods. "Why else would I have called everyone over here? Everyone, get your game faces on. We move in on Quesnel Station in five." Daniel rubs his eyes, sighing. "And here I thought I'd get to sleep today."

    Agnes whistles loudly. "Alright, everybody, let's get a move on!" She pulls a bag over her shoulder, & opens the library warehouse's sliding door. The group exits the library, making their way across the street, and using a ladder to get onto a nearby rooftop. Emma kneels and pulls out a pair of binoculars. "No CP 'til we get to the checkpoints 'tween Reid and Barlow. Don't think we can sneak around. We'll have to create a diversion of some kind.", she says. "Daniel, Amelia, you got it covered?", Agnes questions. "Yep.", Daniel replies. "We'll draw 'em away & link up with you two at St. Andrew's." "Alright. Let's go.", Agnes says.

    They drop down, carefully heading between buildings until they get to an abandoned casino near the Combine checkpoints. "Okay… You guys will have to lure them down Barlow and shake 'em off. Just be sure to avoid going towards Cariboo Highway, or else the forcefields'll cut you off.", Emma tells them. "Got it.", Amelia replies. "C'mon, Danny." The two dash between buildings and get between the two checkpoints. Daniel picks up a can and chucks it at a Metrocop. "Sorry! Thought you were a Cremator!" The Metrocop raises his Stunstick, dashing after Danny & Amelia. "We've got a 10-31 at checkpoint 5A, 2 suspects. Officers in pursuit. Code 1." Over the Metrocop's radio, the Overwatch AI responds. "Overwatch acknowledges. Detain and deliver sociocide verdict immediately."

    Daniel and Amelia dash away, and the rest of the group sneaks past the checkpoint, making their way around a building until they make it to the church. Shortly thereafter, they are met once more by the two. Amelia dusts her hands. "They'll be searching that block for a while. Let's make ourselves scarce." Agnes nods, patting her on the back. "Good work." The group proceeds across the city until they get to Quesnel Museum. Agnes puts a hand out, motioning the group to halt. "Alright. Let's take extreme caution here. Combine patrols are usually swarming around this place. Emma?" Emma pulls out her binoculars, scanning the area. "We'll need a way through the forcefield. Scanners are patrolling the front of the building. But it looks like there's a Combine APC up the road. Some CPs taking an unapproved break, it seems. If we can commandeer that APC, we can cross the highway into the station." Agnes bites her lip. "That creates a complication. They're out in the open, they'll see us coming from a mile away."

    Evan smiles. "They'll see us coming from a mile away, sure… You guys remember that Snark infestation in the vents? I… may have kept some of 'em." Evan pulls out a jar with a Snark inside of it. Emma stares at Evan with a stunned expression. "You kept live Snarks in our headquarters?" Evan shuffles his feet. "I mean… I separated them." Emma rolls her eyes, and Agnes shrugs. "It's worth a shot, I guess." She puts a hand on Evan's shoulder. "Soon as you get close enough, lure them towards you, unleash the Snarks, then get the hell away as fast as you can.", she tells him. "Yeah. I was hoping I'd get to use these guys on something… y'know, bigger. But I guess I'll have to make due. Part of me is gonna miss you, little guys." Evan pats the Snark Jar. The Snark hisses, and the group exchanges concerned glances.

    Evan heads down the road towards the CPs. He waves his arms, reaching into his jacket pocket. "Hey! Hey!" The Metrocops turn their attention towards him. "What the-- Hey! Stop right there!" The cops draw their pistols, slowly approaching him. "Take your hand out of your jacket now!" Evan chuckles. "If you say so… I have to warn you, though. These guys get cranky when they aren't fed." Evan pulls the Snark jars out from his jacket and tosses them onto the ground before running back and hitting the pavement. The jars shatter, and the Snarks immediately leap towards the CPs. The Metrocops scream, firing on the Snarks, but miss their shots. Their body armor is easily torn apart by the Snarks, allowing the aliens to feast on their exposed flesh.

    One of the Metrocops runs for the APC. He hastily unlocks the door just before getting their head slammed through the glass by Agnes, knocking them unconscious. Agnes pulls the CP's mask off, cupping her hands over her mouth. "Evan, get over here fast!" Evan sprints away from the Snarks and dives into the back of the APC. Emma hops into the driver's seat, looking over the controls. "Uhhh, uh, shit. Does anyone here know how to drive?!" Agnes scoots her over, taking the driver's seat. "Learned just before the invasion. Though it's been a long time since I've driven…" She puts the APC in Drive, and speeds off just as the Snarks leap towards it.

    "Okay… Almost there." Agnes puts the CP's mask on while keeping one hand on the wheel. "Emma, keep your head down. We can't risk anyone seeing us on the way in." Emma ducks down as they pull into the station. Justin whispers from the back. "I know this is serious, but I just gotta say, your voice sounds really cool in that mask." "Zip it.", Agnes responds as she pulls up in front of the main building. It is then that she notices a CP Officer signaling them to stop. Agnes feels her stomach drop as she slows down next to him, rolling the window down.

    The Metrocop looks up at her. "There you are. Mind explaining to me what took you so long? We're almost behind schedule, everything else has been loaded. And--Hey, where's the rest of your patrol?" Agnes swallows. "Uhh… Some… Some Citizens caused a bit of a ruckus earlier. They had to provide some extra backup. Sorry." "Just get the damn supplies over to James before you get us both in trouble." The cop points his stunstick towards a Metrocop nearby. "Got it. Th--...Thank you..?", she says, biting down on her lip after letting that slip out. The cop simply shakes his head as she drives off. "Dumbass is gonna get himself killed." Agnes pulls up towards "James".

    "Took you long enough. Do you have that last supply shipment?" "...Yeah… Yeah. I'll unlock the back for you.", she tells him. James motions another Metrocop over, and they head towards the back of the vehicle. Agnes pulls the sliding door open. "Get ready.", she says as she unlocks the back doors. The Metrocops pull them open, only to get dragged into the back of the vehicle by the others. Daniel slams the doors shut, and the rest of them knock the two cops unconscious. Daniel turns his head towards the driver's seat. "Agnes? You did not think this through very well." "There are only six of us, what do you expect me to do? Just drive through the front gates and gun everyone down?", she scoffs. "That'd make things easier." She shakes her head. "We don't get things easy nowadays. Now, uh… Hmm… Hey, Emma, most Metrocop suits are tailored to the average height of the adult male, right?" Emma pops her head up. "Uh… Yeah. Why?" Agnes turns towards the back. "Danny, Evan? You two are gonna get us on that train." The two raise their heads. Daniel blinks. "Excuse me?" "Get in uniform.", she tells him. Daniel sighs. "Weirdest feckin' day of me life."

    After Daniel and Evan get in the CP uniforms, Amelia and Justin tie up and gag the CPs with spare rope. Agnes turns to the others. "Alright. Emma, sneak into the back. Here's how we're gonna get on board." Emma steps around the other side of the APC and climbs into the back of the vehicle. Agnes continues. "I'm gonna pull up to the loading bay. Soon as you two step out, I want you to stack cargo up to provide some cover for the others to board the train. After that, you two are gonna load the cargo onto the train, and the rest of you are gonna hide inside those Combine crates." Daniel looks at her. "That is a really shoddy plan." She glares at him. "Daniel, I swear to god, I will come back there and stick my foot up your ass if you don't stop complaining today. Get out there. Now."

    Danny and Evan hop out of the APC, stacking supply crates on top of one another. The group sneaks aboard the train, climbing into the supply crates that get loaded on board. Agnes carefully makes her way under the vehicle, and Daniel helps her to her feet. She climbs into the train car. "Soon as this thing gets going, you two sneak onto the back of the train car, and I'll open it from the inside. Got it?" The two nod. Agnes hides behind some crates, and Daniel continues loading cargo. "Feckin' hell, what do they put in these things?" "Considering some of the things I've seen?", Evan asks. "I, for one, do not want to know."

    They finish loading cargo and Evan waves to the other Metrocops. "We're good to go!" The train car's folding door closes, and the train begins moving. When the other Metrocops turn their heads, Danny & Evan hop up onto the platform. Agnes opens the door, and they step inside. "Okay... We're clear." Agnes opens the Combine supply crates, and Emma pops her head out, gasping for air. "God damn it, those things are airtight!" Agnes quickly opens the rest of the crates, and helps everyone out. "Alright, everyone… Next stop: The United States."

    submitted by /u/Hurricaden
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    City 17 location

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 09:29 PM PST

    Why do people say that City 17 is in Bulgaria or Eastern Europe? There are various Russian texts throughout City 17 and White Forest that pretty much confirm that it's somewhere in Russia. Sure, elements are inspired from Sofia and other cities, but the Russian text confirms that it is in Russia. Governmental facilities, such as the hospital and silo, are in Russian, not Bulgarian or any other Eastern European language.

    Is there anything that points to it being outside of Russia besides how the architecture was inspired (doesn't matter where it was inspired from, the governmental facilities are in russian and that's all that matters).

    submitted by /u/MrCyanideMan
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    I just finished half life ALYX

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 01:57 PM PST

    So I started ALYX back in august when my index arrived. Since I left it apart for a bit I've only achieved now to finish it, doing the last 6 chapters in like one week. While I wasn't totally blown away by chapter 4 or 3 ( the one with the electric monsters ) because I find it annoying to kill those bastards, chapter 7 was so damn good. Now I want a Jeff pet. That "elevator" scene OMG! And I also really liked the zoo and killing the strider. And my god when the vault falls it feel so incredibly real and cool. Now the question is:" I've never played neither of the half life, should I play them?" That cut scene really put me in hype for half life 3 even tho I never played the first two. I want to hear some opinions!!! Thank you

    submitted by /u/romano_de_rome
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    [S2FM] CalebCity17 - Better Scramble Like an Egg

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 10:02 AM PST


    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 12:16 PM PST

    I just started to play Black mesa and when I got zapped into Zen, Black Mesa just shut down I tried doing it again for 3 times and it kept on giving me the same results. I don't know this keeps on happening but if you people know why please help me

    submitted by /u/JohnPaul64
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    I drew Barney Calhoun for comfort

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 04:52 PM PST

    Always free man :P

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 07:39 AM PST

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