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    Friday, February 28, 2020

    Half-Life Saw it on Facebook, no clue of who made it

    Half-Life Saw it on Facebook, no clue of who made it

    Saw it on Facebook, no clue of who made it

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 02:07 PM PST

    Alyx fanart I made

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 02:05 AM PST

    Escaped Houndeyes of City 17

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 01:53 PM PST

    H O L D E

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 04:49 PM PST

    Forget About Freeman!

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 04:47 PM PST

    I love ragdolls

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 01:59 PM PST

    RIP Freeman Dyson

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 10:51 AM PST

    Concept Box Art

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 02:39 PM PST

    The absolute Horror

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 01:32 PM PST

    The combine soldier has successfully transcended

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 04:18 PM PST

    My home made Stun Baton

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 08:42 PM PST

    H.E.C.U makes an EVAC in Nome, Alaska due to a near by "portal" opening and letting mysterious creatures and their "ships" into the earths atmosphere.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 06:44 PM PST

    Turned this place into a lambda location

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 03:07 PM PST

    The saga of the cursed game: 1, I don’t know how to screen record

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 01:35 PM PST

    New Half-Life Fan: Random Thought Lighting Round

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 02:58 PM PST

    Heard some great things about Half Life for years, finally bought the game on sale last Christmas. Just got through them all, ending with the Lost Coast a whopping 5 minutes ago. Here's a miscellaneous jumble of my thoughts on the games.


    I was pretty dang impressed with how well the gunplay and puzzles held up, though I got stuck pretty dang often and had to refer to a walkthrough a few times. Here's a few random thoughts:

    -The scientists are easily the best part of the game. I've added a bunch of their voice lines to my soundboard.
    -I have the crowbar-on-metal sound effects ingrained in my mind now from all the vents I couldn't open.
    -I'm pretty sure that vent headcrabs have taken years off of my life.
    -Bullsquids are great.
    -The Blast Pit chapter was easily my favorite one. I like my green spaghetti well done.
    -The magnum revolver is a fucking blessing.
    -I thought the Black Ops assassins were robots my first time through.
    -The Tau Cannon made me feel unstoppable.
    -Some of the scrapped enemies were really interesting and it's a shame they didn't make it in.
    -Interloper was a pain.
    -I wish your objective when fighting Nihilanth was a little clearer, took me a while to figure out that I had to destroy those crystals.

    Thoroughly enjoyed, 10/10.

    Blue Shift

    Barney deserved better. Was short, didn't introduce all that much. Puzzles weren't as intriguing, enemy placement wasn't as clever. I did enjoy it for what it was though. Thoughts:

    -Barney deserves better
    -Otis dummy thicc

    It was alright, more Half-Life can't be a bad thing. 7/10.

    Opposing Force

    Now THIS is where it's at. New enemies, new weapons, new assets, good shit all around. Thoughts:

    -The Desert Eagle is a blessing.
    -The SAW was fantastic
    -I hate the noises shock roaches make. Makes my skin crawl.
    -I love how the design of Black Mesa was handled here, with the little terrariums and everything.
    -I shot the pit worm for way too long before realizing you couldn't kill it that way.
    -The Displacer Cannon was great but can't quite live up to the excitement that the Tau Cannon gave me.

    Fantastic expansion, bring Shepard back. 9/10.

    Half Life 2

    What a legacy to live up to, and boy does it do it. Improved upon a lot of the aspects of the first game.

    -Lamarr is the best character in the game, followed shortly by Dr. Kleiner.
    -Dr. Breen looks like hide-the-pain-Harold
    -The physics puzzles were interesting but got a little stale after a while.
    -Exploding barrels were a fun element that mixed up the game in a good way.
    -I love how right-clicking the shotgun with only one shell left will still fire it, unlike in HL1, where it would make you reload first.
    -The gravity gun was fun.
    -Puzzles felt more one-goal-after-another and less like a steady pace of progress like Blast Pit chapter in HL1, and I kinda miss that puzzle style.
    -Father Grigori was great.
    -The game made me hate antlions and then love them in the span of a few minutes and I do not appreciate toying with my emotions in this way.
    -The fact that the only Tau Cannon in the game was stuck on my buggy upsets me greatly.
    -The Vortigaunts are fuckin' amazing.
    -Alyx is the type of person to act tough 24/7 but get their ass handed to them by a fruit fly.
    -Watermelons were a welcome addition.
    -I felt bad for every resistance member following me that died and kept restarting until I gave up.
    -Striders be striding.
    -Depressing lack of Bullsquids.

    Good shit, 9.5/10, Tau Cannon and Bullsquids deserved better.

    HL 2 EP1

    -Dr. Kleiner told us to fuck.


    HL 2 EP2

    -Defending the rocket from the striders was a great way to end the chapter, was really fun.
    -Eli just kinda name-dropped G-Man without naming him and then FUCKING DIED before the conversation could happen. I am disappoint.


    The Lost Coast

    Not much to say, a neat tech demo.

    And now I'm on the boat of everyone else waiting for episode 3 like everyone else has been since 2007. Excited to play Half Life Alyx when that comes out, I expect plenty of Lamarr backstory.

    So yea, that's that!

    submitted by /u/DaMikel
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    The saga of the cursed game 3: the quakening

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 01:41 PM PST

    Is black mesa a private company?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 06:46 PM PST

    Kind of a silly question

    submitted by /u/bioniclepriest
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    The saga of the cursed game: 2 electric boogaloo

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 01:38 PM PST

    So I played most of the Half life games for the first time... And I have thoughts... Maybe a lot

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 09:08 AM PST

    To preface... Yeah I've known this game existed for most of my life and I always thought of it as one of those "Internet things". However, my cousin told me to play HL2 cause he said I'd love the puzzles (I didn't enjoy the puzzles too much but the game was good). So over the... I forgot whether it was the Christmas sale or the Chinese new year sale. I'm pretty sure it was last year's Christmas sale, I bought HL1, 2 and the chapters. Subsequently, I was dragged into being a fan of it so, I finished up Black Mesa, Blue shift and Opposing Force over the past 3 days. (Yes I have a holiday right now.)

    Firstly, HL1. I don't know why, but the clunkiness of the first game has a certain sort of creative charm. It's limited, by God, you know that, but somehow it is surprisingly atmospheric. I told myself, prior to playing: I just want to get this over and done with so I can go play HL2. Hoo boy, I was wrong. The game was mighty infuriating with all the things spawning on your face and my hatred for FPS. I played my first run on normal and you can bet your ass that I replayed each portion of each chapter a billion times cause a Vortigaunt spawned and messed up my day. Or a chopper appeared and murdered me. But somehow it was still fun. Is this normal? To constantly feel annoyed by a game but still think it's fun afterwards? I didn't expect much from it but all the wacky machines, areas and enemies really stole my heart. Even that one area where I got stomped by the tank and the Marines repeatedly after they blew up the grunts. Also fuck On a Rail, Residue Processing and Interloper. (I've heard that other people don't enjoy em too).

    Next I played Half life 2 and the chapters. Oh my God, I thought the first game had not too shabby characters for a puzzle FPS game. (I don't have high standards for FPS) Ok I can safely say I love all the characters a lot. Alyx, Eli, Kleiner, Barney, LAMARR and the Vortigaunts. I love them. The gameplay was... Meh? Idk I didn't really click with the puzzles and the gameplay too much, but they were good, don't get me wrong. But so many mass balance puzzles, shootouts on a vehicle in a big area kinda gets to you after a while. It just doesn't have the weird, wacky, creative fun of HL1. What I do love, if it wasn't obvious, are the characters. Their interactions, their motives, everything. Nothing spectacular but well crafted and that's really respectable. Also atmosphere for Ravenholm and Nova Prospekt and my weird obsession with the Antlions, calling them my children as I kill as many combine soldiers as I can with them. Even so, I felt as if there werent enough wacky showpiece bosses or strange enemies or really much of anything to... Learn? (Although I adored the storming the citadel level. The one where you turn off the gun???? In the citadel. You have to go through these barrier rooms with turrets and eventually you get trapped in a room with some dudes. That one???) In HL1 what you learnt was cliche, but it did its job. Also I now feel your collective pain about the ending of HL2 chapter 2. Ouch, pain. Only pain. I wanna know, please.

    I played Blue shift next. And hoo boy, they didn't give Barney much, did they? His puzzles made me have a headache, not because they were hard... More of, I was into my don't know how manyeth hour on the computer and these puzzles are really not worth it. The part I enjoyed??? Most was the... Honestly, I really don't know, maybe the portal part where you prime the portal and the people jump through? It really wasn't too memorable.

    Next I played Black Mesa. And hoo boy, I didn't have to experience the years of no Xen that most fans had to. And I have to say... Everything feels so good. Except the frame rate on Xen, or maybe it's just me idk. All the levels I despised felt so much better. On a rail, Residue Processing, Interloper. Although is it me or is Blast Pit's weird worm bois a bit faster at changing their aggro target than the original? Because I got my ass kicked by them despite playing the original. The voices, the personality, the clunkiness has more or less improved and I adored Xen. One thing that didn't change, I don't know whether I like it or not, is the fact I still died a lot. Help me I suck at FPS. Also fuck the controllers or whatever they're called. The floaty boys on the conveyor belt spamming grunts at you. I had fun but also experienced pain. Also I enjoyed the new Gonarch's lair. I ran around, getting squished a lot and kinda softly screaming to myself as I scooted around. Also I enjoyed Interloper a lot more, except for the weirdass pistons that sometimes carry you to a vent. I really enjoyed the area with the green liquid tubes (maybe I just enjoy suffering) as well as the weird central elevator (I heard people say it was boring and hard but I had immense amounts of fun... And pain because I died... A lot... )But the final level with the three weird spinny barrier things was fun. I was just screaming confused and running into the spinny machines to shoot out the core. Nihilanth was fun too. I breezed through the first 2 stages and then holy bullet hell occured. I died a lot... But it was fun.

    Finally Opposing Force. Let me begin by saying. Holy shit Adrian has the most depressing ending/ situation. Left in the facility with his bros, fought through a lot just to get yeeted. I enjoyed most of opposing Force, except the fact that my men keep NOT FOLLOWING ME AND DYING. AND ALSO BLACK OPS BEING ANNOYING. AND THE BIG LIGHTNING PIG BOYS IN THE SEWER. But yes. New wacky weapons. It is a classic case of

    People: How many new weapons do you want?

    Devs: Yes.

    I spent most of my time not scrolling to the right weapon and somehow bombing myself to death. I enjoyed the slow growth of how characters treat you/ the slowly increasing insanity the facility turns into. The sheer amount of testing Chambers amazed me cause they were actually quite pretty. But yes, Opposing Force was a fun angle (cough, unlike blue shift I'm sorry Barney, you may be my favourite character, but damn, your part is pretty boring.)

    Yes, Half life is fun. Help me.

    submitted by /u/Axilmeus
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    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 08:01 PM PST

    Combine, the Universe and Aliens

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 09:15 PM PST

    So, I was thinking regarding the Combine and their conquering of worlds.

    Do they assimilate and conquer worlds in other universes or do they conquer the entire universe itself?

    I don't think it's ever been brought up but all the aliens we've seen come from other planes of existence. It makes one wonder, do aliens native to our universe exist from other planets in the Milky Way galaxy or beyond? Would the Combine try to reach those worlds to assimilate them or would aliens in our reality attempt to fight them?

    One could imagine an unlikely ally in the form of an intelligent lifeform from a distant planet helping humanity against our extradimensional oppressors?

    submitted by /u/WailingHost
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    My drawing of Otis for DnD

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 09:14 PM PST

    Is there a way to change the HUD colour? [Mmod and Black Mesa]

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 07:35 PM PST

    I've been playing a lot of Mmod and Black Mesa lately and I really wish the HUD could be green or blue instead of yellow. Yellow and orange are too harsh on my eyes. I know you can download guis but just a colour filter would be plenty.

    submitted by /u/ZipZop_the_Manticore
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