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    Saturday, June 26, 2021

    Half-Life Half-life: Flying Ichthyosaur destroys Apache by 222Radon86

    Half-Life Half-life: Flying Ichthyosaur destroys Apache by 222Radon86

    Half-life: Flying Ichthyosaur destroys Apache by 222Radon86

    Posted: 26 Jun 2021 12:38 AM PDT

    A friend drew this of me when I mentioned starting my HL2:E2 gnome run

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 08:15 PM PDT

    i think the head crab was based on one of these aka an ear mite

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 09:36 PM PDT

    Anyone remember these ? Concept art from the cancelled Episode Three by Valve artist Andrea Wicklund.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 05:00 PM PDT

    An amusing quotation from the book “Masters of Doom.”

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 08:33 PM PDT

    can someone help me find these combine helmets?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 11:30 AM PDT


    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 11:30 PM PDT

    Half life 2 mods that have you play as the combine

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 11:15 PM PDT

    The title says it all any good mods for half life 2 that have you play as the other side? This mainly popped into my head while I on a whim decided to play gmod half life rp as civil protection.

    submitted by /u/DeeTheOttsel
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    I found this shirt in a second-hand store out of absolutely nowhere and I am stoked

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 09:48 AM PDT

    Pretty sure I'm not the first one to point this out about the Alyx ending

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 04:32 PM PDT

    But has anyone noticed the GMan's use of the word "entity" when referring to Eli and the Advisor. If I recall correctly, objects in Source are referred to as entities and there was a theory that Gman actually represents Valve themself, making sure the player goes along the path they determined for them. So basically, what if he is literally referring to the Source engine entities?

    submitted by /u/Buccura
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    made this

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 11:44 AM PDT

    Doesn’t Half Life Alyx’s ending create a paradox? (SPOILERS)

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 10:43 PM PDT

    Hey all, I'm fairly new to the Half-Life franchise and only recently got done watching a play through of HL:A, I thought the game looked amazing graphically and storywise and it's just made me all the more hyped for HL3, but one thing confused me.

    The G-Man is freed by Alyx at the end of the game and as thanks offers to do something for her, she asks him to take the Combine off Earth, he says that's too big of an ask so he says instead he'll give her the opportunity to save her father from his death at the end of HL2, after which he takes her and says she'll be much use to him and his employers.

    My confusion comes from the fact that, if Alyx was taken in the past (HL: Alyx is a prequel after all) then how come she was in Half Life 2 at all? Did The G-Man make the deal with her and then plop her back into her main time stream until she's needed? Where is she during the end credit sequence? Did he take present day Alyx as well? I'm sorry if this has already been asked and answered here or anywhere else before but as I said I'm new to the franchise and would hate to think I'm missing out on important story beats. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Lewbomb
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    Can I unlock achievements in Half Life Alyx with any of the NO VR Mods or No?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 09:12 PM PDT

    Can I unlock achievements in Half Life Alyx with any of the NO VR Mods or No?

    submitted by /u/GTProSeries
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    My dad hates half life, how can I convince him to play it, or at least think its not for him and not just a bad game?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 07:16 PM PDT

    Don't imagine my dad as a dad, just a gamer, because he is a gamer. Hes played through all the fallout games, elder scrolls games, doom, call of duty ect. I've been telling him about how good half life is for a LONG time. He saw black mesa on steam and decided to buy it, to put it short he hates it. He got to a little after where you first get a crowbar and says he hates long dialogue and that its too linear. I feel like he just won't give it a chance, how can I convince him to play, or at least that its a good game, because he thinks its terrible.

    submitted by /u/e56d7ki212
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