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    Sunday, May 31, 2020

    Half-Life Fake HL3 Poster Made In S1FM

    Half-Life Fake HL3 Poster Made In S1FM

    Fake HL3 Poster Made In S1FM

    Posted: 31 May 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    I've made a pixel ART of The cidatel

    Posted: 31 May 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    Gordon Chalkman

    Posted: 31 May 2020 06:39 PM PDT

    HLA Pre-order bonus skins side by side comparison (Made this because I couldn't find any comparisons)

    Posted: 31 May 2020 01:08 AM PDT

    Madonna and Child (20XX) (S2FM)

    Posted: 31 May 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    Half-Life: Jeff

    Posted: 31 May 2020 08:44 PM PDT

    “Squad we found Freeman!”

    Posted: 31 May 2020 08:11 PM PDT

    Apparently, screwing around with quicksaving can make the scientist not fall.

    Posted: 31 May 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    The case for a Source 2 SDK to jumpstart a new generation of VR games

    Posted: 31 May 2020 07:15 AM PDT

    The dream (and some nostalgia)

    If you were there to experience the golden age of either Goldsrc or Source modding and you also enjoy current gen VR, the idea of a VR counterpart to that with a Source 2 SDK probably sounds very enticing. VR is in many ways very immature compared to what flat PC gaming was in even the HL1/goldsrc days (in terms of hardware, mechanics, potential userbase, scale of content), but I think there is still a big opportunity here. Imagine if the community were given HLA's baseline of hand interactions, throwing mechanics, firearm interactions, environmental interactions, physics, spatial audio integration, built-in solutions for way too many little VR specific challenges that drive devs nuts (e.g. what happens to the virtual body mapping when a player leans over a table? So many VR games get things like this horribly wrong--but understandably so), etc etc to work with and then expand on.
    Then we might see Source 2 counterparts to games like (or inspired by) TFC/TF2, The Hidden, DOD, Garry's Mod, Sven-Coop, HLDM, Portal, CS, Natural Selection, Insurgency, The Specialists, L4D, etc etc but re-envisioned for the largely untapped medium of VR and jumpstarted by HLA's baseline of VR specific features. And entirely new games as well of course. Valve is continuing to expand its HLA workshop tools quite regularly but a true SDK is what's necessary for devs/modders to really take things beyond vanilla HLA. A major component of Valve's strength has always been its community and this sounds like a huge opportunity to me.
    Granted, HLA is not exactly mechanically diverse, but what Valve has attempted to do in HLA was executed extremely well and would provide an excellent foundation for most VR games.

    The current problem

    It's not that Unity and UE4 aren't good for VR but they don't provide the baseline of VR specific features that Source 2 currently has. What I am seeing are indie devs repeatedly reinventing the wheel with few "hits" and mostly misses (when it comes to VR functionality, not judging the games overall). E.g. few VR games even have good firearm mechanics, with weapons often feeling like super-soakers or clipping through walls. You also see a lot of "one mechanic" games, or games that just fall back to more abstract interactions that don't suit VR (e.g. highlight and grab). The "basics" that users might take for granted in HLA are actually the result of a ton of hard work. We got a brief look into this with the HLVR Door Demo late last year. Even making e.g. grabbing/handling/throwing objects "feel good" in VR (and it feels amazing in HLA) and not gimmicky requires lots of iteration.
    VR may be a less abstract and higher dimensional interface to a virtual world with a ton of promise, but that also means this higher dimensional space must be fleshed out and thus it is difficult to take advantage of it. Current gen's lacking motion controller feedback also introduces many difficulties. It's simply beyond the capacity of your average indie dev to replicate all of this stuff, and yet in a post-HLA world it feels necessary. There are so many VR projects that I see having difficulties with these "basics" (that are, again, really not at all basic in the context of VR) and even among those that I've enjoyed they could be so much more with what Source 2 has to offer. Supposing they had Source 2's baseline at the outset, that would have permitted them to dedicate more time to content and perhaps even more compelling features that build upon Valve's foundation.
    As for what devs/modders can take away/learn from HLA when realizing these games in VR (if we do get an SDK), I tend to think the focus should be on interactions of a certain nature that HLA has shown to be very effective, but I'll probably make a post about that another time. Anyways I really hope Valve is seriously considering this and the HLA content creation tools are just a stepping stone to something bigger. The last we heard from Valve about this(late 2019), they had expressed a desire to create an SDK but stated that there were no actual plans at the time and that it's a ton of work. In the mean time I guess the best thing one can do is keep creating more and more ambitious HLA workshop mods to hopefully motivate them.
    NOTE: Of course many of us have always wanted a Source 2 SDK even for flat games (regardless of whether or not it would've been better to use UE4 or Unity anyway), but the argument I'm trying to make here is that--after HLA--it's clear that it would in particular benefit VR (and thus Valve's larger efforts). I'm also not stating that this ought to be a VR only SDK.

    submitted by /u/wheelerman
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    So they made 'Windows Terminal' and I customized mine to look like this!

    Posted: 31 May 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    (HL:A) found some poison headcrabs throwing a tantrum

    Posted: 31 May 2020 05:25 PM PDT

    How Gordon Freeman ca be employee of the month in Opposing Forces ? According to the Half-Life manual, he was hired by Black Mesa the May 5, and started working no lather than May 15... So... Maybe Valve think 10 days are a complete month ?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 11:29 AM PDT

    Half Life in Source 2

    Posted: 31 May 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    The Conscript (Fake Poster)

    Posted: 31 May 2020 04:43 PM PDT

    Calculating how fast runs Freeman

    Posted: 31 May 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    Hi, I'm french, and few years ago I made this video to find out the "real speed" of Gordon Freeman.

    I love any Half-Life related content, and I assume you too, so I've added english subtitles for the community.

    (I got other Half-Life things on my channel, like the "making of Nihilanth's voice", if you're interrested, I will add other subtitles. Enjoy !)


    submitted by /u/Scrotumdepoulpe
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    "Im with the Science Team!"

    Posted: 31 May 2020 09:01 PM PDT

    I had some complaints so I remade my remake of the HL2 logo :)))

    Posted: 31 May 2020 01:38 AM PDT

    Water Hazard

    Posted: 31 May 2020 06:30 PM PDT

    Water Hazard

    This drawing is old, circa 2015, but I have been in the motivational process of renewing it. From a game that has had great motivations for eons.


    submitted by /u/AnomalousKid
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    My apologies for not posting this video correctly before. enjoy a funny Half-Life: Alyx S2FM

    Posted: 31 May 2020 05:20 PM PDT

    Alyx is terrifying

    Posted: 31 May 2020 05:13 PM PDT

    I'm at the exploding tunnels where if you shoot a barrel it insta fails you and I decided to go through the dark area and pick up some loot. With one shotgun shell and a bunch of pistol ammo. I don't think I've ever been this on edge when playing a game. Fucking hell, VR is the future.

    submitted by /u/Jimbobwhales
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    Problems I have with Black Mesa

    Posted: 31 May 2020 05:34 PM PDT

    First lets get the obvious out of the way. The H.E.C.U are no where near as fun as they were in Half-Life. The H.E.C.U in Half-Life stay in place while they are firing at you. Sure, this makes them easier but more fun to fight. Plus grenade throwing also make the combat that much more fun. The BMS ones just run sideways and shoot at you. Yes that is more realistic but takes away a lot of the fun the original H.E.C.U had. I especially find shot gunners annoying. I'm not particularly fond of some of the weapon changes. Like the MP5 only has a 30 round magazine instead of a 50 round one. Its not a problem when dealing with aliens, but it gets annoying when fighting H.E.C.U when having to reload while you're surrounded. The crossbow can't hold enough ammo which is why I don't use it as often. The guass gun's fire rate is way too slow. I find it kinda useless in a lot of situations because of this. The Hivehand was ruined even more somehow. I usually use it in Half-Life to take down controllers because its second fire mode is pretty accurate. They completely ruined it for me in BMS by turning down its accuracy so much that I don't even use it anymore. I'm not a very big fan of the character design changes. Mainly the Alien Grunts. They look way too humanoid and barley resemble their source material. All the human designs are quite off from the original. I like the old H.E.C.U designs so much more. I personally think the MP5 looks like plastic. Also the Nihilanth somehow looks even more like a giant baby. I like Black Mesa, its just I think Half-Life did a lot of things better. Feel free to state your opinions if the comments.

    submitted by /u/fatflaggot96
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    "You'll fit in my ashtray"

    Posted: 30 May 2020 11:31 PM PDT

    Should first-timers play Half-Life 2 with MMod?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 05:29 PM PDT

    Title says it all. What do you guys think?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/mrwallace888
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    HL:Alyx leaves the series open to a more satisfying ending than Epistle 3.

    Posted: 31 May 2020 02:56 PM PDT

    I'm not saying by any means that the series should have a perfect, sunshine and rainbows happy ending. Many games and game franchises have pulled off dark endings which still leave the player with a sense of accomplishment and closure.

    Despite the well-earned backlash around the writing quality, stupid explanations of series-long mysteries, and absence of previous choices having an impact on the outcome, I think Mass Effect 3 is a good example of this, purely from a perspective of narrative tone.

    At the very least, several beloved characters will, unavoidably, die. Billions of innocent people have lost their lives. Depending on your choices, it's possible that one or more entire species are extinct. In some endings, planets and civilizations are cut off from each other with the mass relays destroyed. The galaxy will never be the same again. But at the same time, you are victorious. Your enemy is defeated, and the survivors, at the very least, now have hope to rebuild and start a brighter future - and hope is something they haven't had much of since the beginning of the series.

    In short, even though it's a bittersweet ending at best and a pretty bleak ending at worst, it does at the very least leave the player with a sense of accomplishment. You couldn't save everyone, and you couldn't make things perfect. But at least you stopped all life from being wiped out.

    Epistle 3's ending, on the other hand, while good for a short story, would have left players with none of that. Essentially, every character is written out of the story (either by literally teleporting out, as in Alyx's case), or just being gone from the passing of such a large period of time (everyone else), since it's implied the Vortigaunts send Gordon forward by centuries. All the efforts against the Combine were essentially competely meaningless, and it's strongly implied that they've completely retaken Earth and subjugated humanity once more. The Resistance, if it still exists at all, is implied to be reduced to "whispers".

    In a nutshell, you flat out lose. Nothing in Half Life 2 or its episodes mattered at all. The Combine have won, and any attempt at challenging them again is going to be futile. Essentially, things are no different than they would have been if Gordon had turned down the Gman at the end of HL1 and been killed in Xen, and from a story perspective, would have left me (and probably many other players) frustrated and feeling like there was no point to playing HL2 or its episodes. And I'm honestly glad that Epistle 3 was never released for that reason.

    Luckily, HL:Alyx seems to be diverting away from that in quite a large way (For anyone who hasn't played it yet, essentially the Gman messes with time and stops Eli from being killed, in return for Alyx becoming his new employee, since Gordon was freed by the Vorts). Since it was an important plot point for Epistle 3 that Eli remained dead and that Alyx willingly joined the Gman at the end, it seems like HL:A is steering away from the ending of Epistle 3 as hard as it can.

    Which is very good news, since it leaves the series open for a more satisfying ending, that would feel like a true conclusion. Hopefully, if the series does continue, Valve uses this opportunity well.

    submitted by /u/lordofthegeckos
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