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    Wednesday, January 1, 2020

    Half-Life Marc Laidlaw's opinion on Alyx as a playable character years ago.

    Half-Life Marc Laidlaw's opinion on Alyx as a playable character years ago.

    Marc Laidlaw's opinion on Alyx as a playable character years ago.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 11:15 AM PST

    Took me a while to notice the science team's notes on the delivery pods in Black Mesa Xen

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 04:41 PM PST

    Outside my window in Japan....

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 10:57 PM PST

    In Anomalous Materials (Black Mesa), there is a scientist that chastises you for messing with his computer, saying that he's "expecting an important message". Here's what his screen shows.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 04:59 PM PST

    Uh, no thanks. I think I am good

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 02:28 PM PST

    I'm Ready!

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 08:31 AM PST

    Judgement Waiver is in Effect [SFM]

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 05:22 PM PST

    Is/Was GLaDOS a tangible threat to the combine?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 03:35 AM PST

    During the end of P1, she says something along the lines of "I'm the only one standing between them and us" and "you don't even know what is going on outside".

    I was wondering if she could be an asset to humanity in the resistance against combine (assuming of course, the universe link up happens?) What if the Borealis has a dormant version of GLaDOS on it?

    Think about it:

    • Endless supply of turrets, in different sizes and capacity (The turret king could take down a strider judging by its size, hoping it just doesn't produce bass instead of bullets). Regardless, the regular turrets and their sheer volume could overwhelm combine foot soldiers and manhacks.

    • Laser guided rocket launching bots: Could be very useful against striders, gunships etc. They're a bit slow and easy to dodge but that can be fixed.

    • Bipedal, easy to reassemble robots that never truly 'die' - give these bots guns along with a portal gun and they'd be a nightmare.

    • The portal gun itself is very powerful and if a supply was created to give the resistance, it would easily overwhelm not just the civil protection but also the footsoldiers. The alternative AR2 fire could easily be sent back to the soldiers with a quick portal placement. So could regular bullets and projectiles.

    • Could theoretically mess up a lot of Combine tech, like the overwatch protocols and tactics like suppression fields. It would be AWESOME if mid fights, she could disable the comm channels between the soldiers and the overwatch.

    Just the turrets alone could level any and all antlion forces and zombies.

    The only two enemy types I see being a problem here are Hunters and Antlion guards.

    submitted by /u/AUsernameIsBornToday
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    I'd Love If Black Mesa Returned In Alyx Or HL3

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 06:26 PM PST

    Black Mesa would be an interesting place to explore post-Half-Life. It being nuked could lead to some interesting enemy variety like mutant radioactive zombies and such, and maybe a return to old favorites like bullsquids and houndeyes.

    I hope this concept isn't completely out of the question since Valve did the same thing with Portal 2.


    submitted by /u/nowheremansaloser
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    Second attempt at drawing the combine elite from HL2

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 07:19 PM PST

    Forgive me I can't draw with mouse.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 06:31 AM PST

    Green screen test with davinci resolve, hope you guys like it

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 09:53 PM PST

    No music in Half Life 1, help!

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 07:13 PM PST

    Sooo, I'm playing Half Life for the first time, and for some reason it doesn't play music even though the volume is at 100% and I have no mods installed. How am I supposed to fix this? I've looked up this several times with no success and the game feels dull without it.

    submitted by /u/SpicySpider72
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    A little idea to mofidy/improve Half-Life 2's worldbuilding... would it work?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 08:52 PM PST

    Picture this for me;

    You are stumbling through Ravenholm, gripping the handle of your Gravity Gun with white-knuckled fists. Slowly and cautiously, you navigate the abandoned streets and dark alleyways, taking care not to upset the new inhabitants of this cursed place. Darkness surrounds you, and things move and shuffle within the mist, unnatural and sinister, and ever-present. Strange cries can be heard beyond the fog, but you cannot determine their source - or what manner of creature is making them.

    You press onward, coming to a small boarded-up shack. It looks relatively fortified. You toss the boards aside and take shelter within, catching your breath. Your eyes scan the room around you - its small, but looks lived-in. Empty cans and bottles lay strewn around the room. On the wall hangs pieces of equipement - buzzsaws, car parts, gardening tools - it looks as if it were once some kind of parts storage shed, or machine shop. The remains of a fire barrel and some upended chairs occupy the centre space - around them are six rotted corpses, lying on rotted wooden floorboards. They are surrounded by discarded weapons and shell casings. A large, gaping hole lies in the ceiling, and beyond it only blackness. A mass of tables and chairs are stacked over the other side of the room near a south-facing door ... some kind of makeshift barricade, perhaps? Unbreached. You look down at the corpses again, and find yourself unable to determine just how these people had died, with no obvious cause visible to you within the room itself.

    You catch a glimpse of a crumpled, handwritten note on the floor, unspoiled by blood.

    Inventory List:

    4 x canned peaches
    3 x submachine guns
    3 x boxes of submachine gun ammunition
    3 x canned jerky
    8 x hammers
    8 x buzzsaw blades
    4 x bottled water

    Simply put, we're beginning to run low and will have to relocate within the next two days. Sooner rather than later. No more storage sheds - small and defendable maybe, but we won't last long at all if they manage to find their way in. The church should be a good spot provided we can get past that crazy who guards it. He has an itchy trigger-finger. From what I hear, the church itself is pretty close to the mines, so if we can find a way inside, we will be one step closer to finally being rid of this place once and for all. Once we get there, we can make for the coast. Our people should be there.

    Earlier today, Rawlings said he heard scratching sounds coming from above. They must be onto us by now, they smell us or something. Door has been barricaded and we've added a few extra boards to the breach on the east wall. I just hope we can make it through the night.

    You look again at the hole in the ceiling. It appears that whatever killed these men must have come from there. The story falls into place, but a distant, bloodcurdling howl interrupts your thoughts. It's time to move.


    So, I've basically been thinking - what if Half-Life 2's journey had discoverable notes, like in Bioshock or Amnesia or other exploration-based games? They wouldn't be ubiquitous of course, and they woulnd't stand in for genuine environmental storytelling, but I just thought it would be cool to give a bit of extra background to some of the areas you visit in the game without having to go through the trouble of adding extra detail or anything like that. Just a little addition to flesh out the world. I have no modding experience whatsoever but I love the Half-Life universe and I have been a creative writer as a side-hobby for a long time, so I would love to start a process of actually adding a bunch of discoverable notes to the game as a mod.
    Would that even be possible? I know that Transmissions: Element 120 did it pretty nicely, and it worked for that game. I want to take that idea and see if it would work with base Half-Life 2. There's so many different areas it could work in as well. Obviously I would need to get in contact with someone who has the technical ability to actually add these notes into the game world and make them readable - I would just do the writing side. Anyone who has an interest in this idea or thinks it has any worth at all, please feel free to reach out to me. I would love to collaborate in a project of some kind.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/ultimatefetus
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    Half-Life Games Knowledge Quiz

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 09:53 AM PST

    Hello, to celebrate the fact that we will get another HL game I created the quiz about Half-Life games (HL1,HL:BS,HL:OF,Hl:2,HL:2 Episode 1 & 2) that I think you guys will like. Check it out - http://www.quizzes-daily.com/half-life-games-knowledge-quiz/

    submitted by /u/cmm392
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    Playing Black mesa again and for some reason I can't enable cascading shadow map? Could anybody help me fix this problem?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 07:58 PM PST

    Could the gravity gun work IRL?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 01:03 PM PST

    I think it could. It doesn't violate any laws of physics, but the problem would be getting something of negative mass.

    submitted by /u/3rd_World_Officer
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    is a little over the top but its good (link to oc in comments)

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 05:58 AM PST

    Installing HalfLife 2 2004 without steam?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 07:04 PM PST

    Hello, I'm trying to install an old copy of HL2 onto an old windows 98 PC for the heck of it, and it supports 98, says so right on the box. However, It keeps installing steam with it, steam as you may know doesn't.

    This should work on my 98 PC no problem, I bought it for the 98 PC and it worked before, but I can't play it because of steam

    submitted by /u/andreja6
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    A tribute to Half-Life: SadeN - Tracking Device

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 11:08 AM PST

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