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    Friday, October 16, 2020

    Half-Life Made by HL2 Drew

    Half-Life Made by HL2 Drew

    Made by HL2 Drew

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 06:24 AM PDT

    Covid safe HEV suit :^)

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 02:22 PM PDT

    this is definitely real

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    HL3 Gordon Freeman

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 07:38 PM PDT

    The original HL1 box, displayed in my library

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 06:05 AM PDT

    Pit Worm (Opposing Forces Fan-made Model)

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 02:16 AM PDT

    Try not to dwell on it

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 12:40 PM PDT

    This automated tram has been provided for the danger and inconvenience of the Civil Protection Personnel

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    Not sure if anyone has done this already but heres my attempt at Hero Forge with Gordon Freeman!

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 08:59 PM PDT

    The Scientific Method

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 12:39 PM PDT

    i did something hope you like it

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    In your opinion, What’s the worst Half Life game?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 04:55 PM PDT

    In my opinion, It's blueshift. It was short added nothing really new to the storyline, and it was pretty uneventful, besides the ending

    submitted by /u/VerteX_________
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    "bro I was in the graveyard doing tasks"

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 12:09 PM PDT

    “Something new and ground breaking called AssPortal. We’re going to delve into the colon.” Can’t wait to play this in VR.

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 07:15 PM PDT

    DG Violation ~ CP Violation in the Style of E1M1

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 08:56 AM PDT

    Triggers and Inputs for Half-Life 1 Mapping

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 08:31 PM PDT

    A profile on Dr. Breen and his rise to power - is he really as 'misunderstood' as people claim?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 12:57 PM PDT

    [Disclaimer: I have not yet managed to play Half-Life Alyx, so some of this might be incorrect - also no spoilers in the comments please!]

    So, upon my recent playthrough of Half-Life 2, A thought occurred to me - people like to entertain the idea of Breen being a tragic figure, or a misunderstood scientist simply trying to fulfil what he thinks is best for humanity. This is a valid interpretation, and I don't believe these same people are going as far as to say that Breen has the right idea (though I have seen that crop up occasionally on this sub) or that he is justified in his alliance with the Combine, but I believe this interpretation of Breen misses some important clues about him - and not all of them are found in Half-Life 2 alone.

    Of course, we all know that Half-Life 2 had retconned away the role of the Administrator of Black Mesa from the G-Man to Breen, and therefore it goes without saying that all references to the Administrator in the first game are in reference to him. What struck me about this is that there are many throwaway lines of dialogue in Half-Life that actually implicate Breen as having been complicit, willingly, in actually engineering the Black Mesa Incident. The lines of dialogue I am referring to are the ones such as -

    "The Administrator is very concerned that we get a conclusive analysis of today's sample - I gather they went through some length to get it."

    And others such as

    "I suspected this could happen, but the Administrator just would not listen."

    There are several other minor details - if you take Half-Life Decay as canon to the series, Dr. Keller mentions that the Administrator specifically ordered the boosting of the anti-mass spectrometer to dangerously unstable levels. To me, this all seems rather too ... wilful. The Administrator seems to be specifically ensuring that a resonance cascade takes place in the test chamber, and based on these lines of dialogue, it doesn't seem to be done in ignorance of the consequences.

    To me, Breen seems less like a reactive victim of circumstance and more like a proactive factor - real question comes when we consider the why of things. Why would the Administrator be specifically intent on engineering a resonance cascade, an event that will throw the world into chaos and enslavement?

    This is where the G-Man comes in. We know for sure that he had a hand in the Black Mesa Incident - perhaps he approached Dr. Breen and 'recruited' him the same way he recruited Gordon: and his task was to ensure that the resonance cascade takes place as planned. In return, maybe the G-Man promised him power; he could be the ruler of whole Earth and preside over an inter-species 'union', as well as serve as a spokesperson for the whole of humanity. Breen seems like the kind of power-hungry autocrat that would stop at nothing to achieve this kind of goal. With this interpretation, the extraordinary coincidence of the former Black Mesa administrator suddenly becoming the administrator of the entire Earth now seems less coincidental. It was planned out according to the role he served, and nigh - unassailable power over humanity was his promised reward.

    Here's where the final profile on Dr. Breen's villainy comes in - this interpretation lines up with the smarmy, condescending and self-righteous persona that we all know from when the Breencast cameras are turned off. Even when the cameras are on, Breen's dim view of humanity is clearly expressed; he abhors 'instinct', seemingly shunning our baser, human selves as weaker, with only a universal union with the Combine granting us worthiness. The reasons could be personal as well as political. Maybe he's disillusioned with mankind as a whole; as a man of science, perhaps he grows weary of all the wars, petty politics and backroom palm-greasing one-upmanship that defines so many of us. His flaw is in believing that the enslavement and systematic violation of humanity is the answer to this problem ; and perhaps this is born out of nothing more than simple bitterness, rather than lofty high-minded idealism.

    What do you guys think? Breen is a complicated figure and a very nuanced antagonist, especially for a first person shooter, and there surely as many multiple ways of discussing his motives and aims as there are of any other aspect of Half-Life's mystique. Let me know your thoughts in the comments

    submitted by /u/ultimatefetus
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    Valve's valves

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 12:06 PM PDT

    How to make Half-Life: Alyx better - An in-depth list of suggestions

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 01:19 PM PDT

    I took my time to write this. Just wanted to share it. It's actually one of my favorite games of all time, but I think there are things that cam be improved. Do you have something you'd like changed?


    - In the menu, before starting a campaign, you should have the option to turn off tutorials.

    - In the menu, you should also have the option to select between snap turn or continuous turn (and be able adjust the snap turn degrees and continuous turn speed). Currently, you always start with snap turn.

    - The campaign has too many health stations and health syringes. Almost every time, you can find a health station before and after a major battle. That's one too many. I think it's better to make them the reward after a fight, instead of what's going to get you prepared for it. Syringes can make up for the fewer health stations before those battles. That would make carrying a syringe an incentive. I always find myself finding a lot of syringes that I don't need because there are a lot of health stations. In previous Half-Life games, I always struggled to reach 100% health on the hardest difficulty, even after using an entire health station. In Half-Life: Alyx, I almost always have full health with a lot of health stations and syringes to spare.

    - Reward headshots. It seems like no matter where you shoot an enemy, it takes the same amount of bullets to kill it. Speaking of headshots, if you kill a zombie by shooting the headcrab, the headcrab should stay dead.

    - Being able to turn on/off the flashlight.

    - Give Alyx the ability to run. She walks too slow! Make the walking a bit faster, but add an option to sprint. Maybe like Boneworks?

    - Alyx also falls too slow. I know this is for comfort, but it's a little too slow and unrealistic.


    - Teleporting needs some tweaking. It feels like cheating a little bit. You can easily escape from bad situations.

    - A harder campaign. It's evident that Valve wanted to make this game easier for people new to VR. But to be honest, the campaign gets easy after the first or second playthrough. This is true even at the hardest difficulty. Keep the current modes, but add a VERY HARD MODE. The first half is especially very easy. More zombies are needed, they need more health. The first half also needs more Combine soldiers. It's fine fighting three or four at the same time, but maybe add more waves of enemies. Introduce the other higher Combine classes earlier. Another solution is to lower the health of soldiers, but increase how many show up. I don't like bullet sponges! I feel like the second half of the campaign is pretty solid in terms of difficulty. I consider the second half the hour before Jeff and everything afterwards. Maybe make it a tiny bit harder. Add a few extra waves of enemies, more Combine and more antlions, more zombies. What about adding the Combine turrets as enemies? All this changes probably mean the amount of ammo you're given needs to change. It would probably need some testing.

    - Improve the A.I. of the Combine. It's pretty obvious that Valve dumbed them down to not overwhelm people new to VR. But it feels it was a little too much. I don't feel like the Combine have any strategy when they're fighting Alyx. I feel like the only one that walks towards you is the Combine Charger (Comine Heavy). The rest, most of the time, they just stay at one place. They can be very predictable. Another annoying thing is that when you throw a grenade at them, they don't move. The grenades that they throw at you take too long to explode too. They should explode at the same speed of the ones Alyx throws.

    - Zombies also need some modifications. Make them walk a bit faster and when they throw stuff at you, make sure they lower your health if they hit you. Right now, only a few objects can cause damage. Even when they do hit you, it's not a lot of health.

    Improve antlions. They are fun to fight, but are not a real threat during the first few encounters because there aren't that many. I also feel like they never hit me. Make them run faster maybe? That way they can attack you easier.

    - The lightning dog (the reviver) has a lot of issues that need to fixed. Takes too many bullets to kill. It's unrealistic. I'd much rather have an extra lightning dog than a single one that takes forever to kill. Also, when it possesses a body, it's not really a threat. Also, when the electric zombie creates a lightning path, it's super easy to dodge since you can see it on the floor and because it takes forever to charge. Either make the path invisible or make the lightning charge and/or move faster. Also, the electric zombie sound effects are too loud compared to other things.

    - Randomize the locations of ammo and resin. That way every time you play the campaign again it's going to be a fresh new experience. You won't know where everything is. Looking for stuff is fun. It seems this is already somewhat of a thing for ammo in the environment. Ammo appears to show up based on the current ammo you have for each weapon. But the ammo always appears at the same spots. It would be better if the locations were randomized. The way I think this can be programmed is to make the game randomize the locations during each load screen instead of just programming, let's say, five different variations for the entire campaign. Make it like Left 4 Dead, zombies would always show up at different locations and hordes would always come at different times and from different places.

    - Make the part after you get the super-powered Russells longer. Currently, it's just two sections. The super-powered Russells are super fun to use, and you only use them during that first section and at the end of the second section. I feel like this last part of the game needs a third section where you're really challenged.

    - Change the weapon upgrades. Some are very similar, which is underwhelming since looking for resin is fun. I'm talking about the laser sight and reflex sight. I feel like they're are almost the same. Yes, reflex sight shows you weak points, but you really use it to better aim, which is the purpose of the laser sight. I say get rid of one of them, and add a different upgrade. I don't know what upgrade that would be, but it needs to be something completely different.

    - Allow certain objects to be used as melee weapons. The community really wants this! They don't have to do a lot of damage, maybe just make them incapacitate for a few seconds. They can be a life-saver when you're low on ammo.


    - The big orange fuel tanks are ridiculous. You can simply grab them from the side with a single hand wide open, when in real life that would be impossible. They're too big! It's unrealistic. Get rid of them and replace them with the smaller cylindrical propane tanks. That would make them harder to shoot, which is good because big ones help the make game too easy.

    - Right now jumping = teleporting. I think it would look better adding a realistic jumping animation, using the same teleporting mechanic when you select where you want to go/fall. Think of Mirror's Edge.

    - Pigeons don't make pigeon sounds. They sound, I think, like crows.

    - Add more puzzle variety. Maybe not everyone feels the same, but I do like the puzzles. However, they're a little too easy at the beginning. Make them as hard as the final ones, and come out with two or three extra ones!

    Google Doc with the same info:


    submitted by /u/byjesusrdgz
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    We Don’t go to ravenholm should be it’s own game

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 06:59 AM PDT

    I'm on anticitizen one so I haven't played through the whole game but we don't go to ravenholm was so good it was awesome using the gravity gun with saw blades to split people In half and gregori was awesome to fight along side with when there were hordes of enemy's it was so atmospheric it felt more like a zombie game with waves of enemys and using the traps and parcouring from builing to building was great when there were the jumping zombie things that were coming after you (Also how do you get the anibelle without console commands)

    submitted by /u/Sure_Fortune7511
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    CS:GO x Half-Life - All Half-Life Maps in CS:GO

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 06:44 PM PDT

    [SFM] Combine March Theme

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 11:29 AM PDT

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